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The anthropocene

The Anthropocene (working title) is a new outdoor project currently in R&D phase funded by Without Walls Blueprint programme. 

I have a strong belief that outdoor art can help create compassion in an audience towards our environment and the planet, and that dance can create kinetic empathy. With this in mind The Anthropocene R&D uses dance and poetry to explore the dominating behaviour of humans towards the planet and the effect of climate change on the human condition in return. 

We are not separate from nature and the the ecological grief we feel as a collective is real, we must metabolise that grief together. 

R&D Creative Team

Direction and Choreography - Becky Namgauds

Poetry// Spoken Words - Caleb Femi

Sound and Composition - Domenico Angarano

Movement & Performance - Ffion Campbell -Davies, Si Rawlinson, Sophie Brain 

Stage & Set Design - Bea Wilson 

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